Monday, September 28, 2009

All Is Calm, All Is Bright

Ever wonder what those words mean? They mean that the Baby Jesus has finally fallen asleep! The minute a baby falls asleep, calm and brightness descend upon the world.

My life is calm and bright right now because Bisou is asleep in her crate, and in the barn the baby goats, their bellies full of milk, are curled around each other like yin/yang symbols. The big goats are chewing their cud and the little field mice are gleaning the remains of the grain. The chickens are asleep in their coop. The rain is pouring outside, and the big dogs are snoozing on the rug. This is my favorite time to be awake.


  1. You just suggested two more names or maybe the kids are naming themselves: yin and yang.

  2. That is so true. The moment of falling asleep, that is. You have a lovely life there.

  3. I could show up at any moment and wake everyone up.

